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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Updates on Kason

It has been so long since I updated the blog. I feel really bad, especially since Kason has hit so many milestones that last couple of week. Below are some things that have happened.

Kason has 2 teeth that have broken through the gums. Both bottom front teeth.

He can sit on his own for quite a while. We still sit with him because he loses his balance trying to reach for toys.

He has started solid foods. He loves pretty much everything. He has tried cereal, oatmeal, sweet potatoes and avocado. In a couple of days he will try carrots. I am making his baby food so it has been fun and interesting.

Kason stayed with his Mammy and Poppy for almost a week and he did great. This was his first time away from us and on an overnight trip.

He is now 18lbs and about 27" long.

Below are his 3 month old pics that we just got back. Enjoy!

He loves eating and sitting on his own.

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